Help Articles

Issue Commercial Permit

Single Window issues commercial permits to investors online depending on the readiness of the company’s physical location. It can be issued during one of the company establishment stages when the site is ready for operation or during a separate procedure.


The commercial registration must be valid.


To be added.


Complete the Application

  • Log onto the Single Window using investor credentials.
  • Complete and submit an application for issuing a commercial license.

Application Review

  • The system will automatically review the application and notify the investor of the site inspection dates, if this service is needed
  • The Civil Defense Department inspects the site to ensure all the necessary security and safety requirements are met and match the type and nature of activities to be pursued before issuing the commercial permit.
  • The site inspection process can be bypassed if the investor assumes a rented property (i.e. the site is pre-licensed), or in case the selected business activities do not require a site.

Fee Payment 

  • Fees are calculated based on selected activities.
  • The investor must pay the fees upon receiving an approval notification for issuing a commercial permit.
  • Fees can be paid online through the Single Window system or manually by visiting the Single Window service centers. Other payment methods and details are available on Paying Services Fees - Single Window.


Once the fees are paid, the investor receives a notification to obtain the commercial license online, or by visiting the Single Window services centers.