Manage Foreign Company Branches
Manage Foreign Company Branches
Manage Foreign Company Branches
This service allows managers of foreign company branches to manage the contracts assigned with their companies by offering a number of services to manage the contracts, whether the contract is a direct one or a sub-contract:
- Add new contract
- Remove existing contract
- Amend or extend existing contract
- Issue Sub-Commercial Permit (Sub-CP) for a contract that does not has one
Persona Type
Foreign Company
- The applicant shall have a registered account in the National Authentication System “Tawtheeq” with a valid Qatari ID.
- There shall be no ban on any of the partners or the owner imposed by the official authorities in the country.
- The applicant shall be listed as a manager in the commercial registration of at least one branch of foreign company.
There must be at least one contract associated with the commercial registration (CR), or, otherwise, the user shall use the Comprehensive Closure service if he desires to cancel the whole CR.
- Fill out the application, including data and attachments.
- Receive the application and verify it automatically through the Single Window systems and service providers.
- Review the application and decide on it through the government entities providing the service.
- Pay fees electronically on the Single Window portal.
- Receive the certificates and original copies electronically through the Single Window.
Required Document List
Document | Condition |
Authorization Letter to Represent the Company |
Power of Attorney or authorization document from the foreign company/organization to its legal representative in Qatar to carry out its business. |
Commercial Registration of the Foreign Company | For the headquarters of the branch of the foreign company / representative office. |
Contract / Articles of Association of the Foreign Company | |
Contract between the Government and the Foreign Company | For each contract concluded between the headquarters of the branch of the foreign company and the Qatari government. |
Approval of the Contracting Government Entity | |
Contract between Main Contractor and Subcontractor | In case the branch is listed as sub-contractor to the government entity. |
Amend / Extend / Cancel Contract | |
To Whom It May Concern Letter with the Requested Action | |
Issue Sub-CP for Contract | |
Same attachments required to Issue a CP as listed in the Comprehensive Establishment service. |
Any formal document that is issued outside Qatar must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Qatar at the issuing country.
Item | Fees |
Amend CR |
QAR300 to add, cancel, amend/extend a contract. |
Add Contract | QAR5,000 |
Amend/Extend Contract |
Cancel Contract |
No fees except CR amendment fees mentioned above. |
Issue Sub-CP to a Contract | QAR500 |