Land allocation procedures through Manateq

Know land allocation procedures through Manateq

Land allocation procedures through Manateq

Land Allocation Procedures through Manateq:

To obtain land, submit an online application and follow these steps:

1. Apply online, attaching all following documents:

  • Valid Commercial Registration.
  • Valid provisional industrial registration 
  • Economic feasibility study and/or action plan
  • Electronic copy of the owners’ identification card 
  • Diagram of land use
  • Material safety data sheet
  • The company profile, if any.
  • Audited financial statements for the past three 3 years, if available.

2. Application Review: Manateq will ensure that the investor has met all conditions and provided all the required data.
3. Complete all approvals
4. Issue land allocation letter and send it to the investor via e-mail.
5. The investor’s signature on the land allocation letter accompanied by a bank guarantee of the amount of the annual rent.

Duration for Land Allocation: 1 to 3 months

Land allocation period varies from one to three months depending on whether all the required documents have been submitted, the type of industry and availability of land in the desired area.

Rental fee: It starts from QAR 20 per square meter

For more details or to apply, please visit Manateq website.